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Big Money Strategies

Apr 29, 2021

This week Tori is talking about structure and productivity. As an entrepreneur, we are our own boss and don’t have someone on our back, checking we got our task list done for the day. Adding structure to your workweek to stop losing time because as entrepreneurs, time can just disappear and we gain a little bit more...

Apr 22, 2021

So many of us get distracted by shiny object syndrome, seeing the latest trends (hello clubhouse!). All of these really shiny objects that we chase don’t necessarily serve us unless we give them a red hot crack! I see you trying these latest trends; jumping between Facebook lives or going "I really need to get some...

Apr 15, 2021

In this weeks episode, Megan MacNeill, the personal brand strategist from Relevant joins Tori where she talks about how she has never loved selling but it's just a bit easier now after completing the group coaching program, Cultivating Confidence to smash your sales! Originally from Scotland, Megan moved to...

Apr 8, 2021

Today, Tori is joined by Lavinia Wehr from Lavinia Wehr social and she will be recapping her experience from the group coaching program that Tori did recently, Cultivating Confidence to smash your sales! Lavinia provides Perth and Western Australian businesses Social Media Services in the Agricultural and...

Apr 1, 2021

In today's episode, Tori is talking about group coaching and what it is actually like. What Tori had found in group coaching she had been apart of previously was there was no real accountability. No one was paying attention to if she was there or not. When Tori set out to make her group coaching program 'Cultivating...