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Big Money Strategies

Jan 26, 2023

I am so excited about this episode because we are going to be talking about cringe.

I would love it if the world could leave cringe behind in 2022 but I don't think we are that lucky. It's 2023 and the online world is becoming more full every day and there is so much cringe, I loathe it.

In today's episode, I am going...

Jan 19, 2023

In this episode, we are talking about something that has some preconceived notions that people make assumptions about and get wrong a lot of the time- Signs you might need a Business Coach.

Because the coaching word preys upon scarcity and insecurities (not everyone!) but something I see a lot in adverts and messaging...

Jan 12, 2023

Sales are one of my favourite things. If you have followed me for a while online you might know that selling is one of the best things we can do in business.

It is what gives us the most amount of growth, it's what brings us money in our business but it also has such a bad reputation. Selling is not celebrated. I think...

Jan 5, 2023

Welcome to 2023!

If you have listened to the podcast for a while you would know that every year I choose a word of the year and my word for 2022 was Amplify. The reason I chose amplify was because I wanted to do what I was doing but better. Go deeper, go further, do more. I wanted to amplify the foundation I had built...