Oct 26, 2023
Harvest is my busiest time of the year, so naturally, that would make it a terrible time to open the doors and launch The Power Project. But I did it anyway. This week listen in to hear how I juggle harvest with mum duties all the while launching my Mastermind as seamlessly...
Oct 19, 2023
This week I talk about the balancing act of juggling ambition with the everyday struggles of day-to-day life. Maybe it's wanting to achieve the goal of a 6 or 7-figure business while tip-toeing through the daily tribulations of motherhood. Hear ways you can find that middle ground without letting it get too messy or...
Oct 12, 2023
This week I preview my new special release podcast called 'BIG Money Energy'. Hear approachable and transparent ideas on the actions and mindset that you need to call in big money in your business.
Oct 5, 2023
Picking a target market or 'niching' may seem like you may be leaving money on the table, but it can be an incredible move for your business. Hear some of the common mistakes people make when picking a niche, and how it can help grow your business.